November Trestleboard

From the East

Greetings My Brothers!

Welcome to November 2019! This Masonic year is rapidly coming to a close, I am packing my luggage for the annual trip to Grand Lodge in San Francisco, pray for me...please. Seriously, there are important as well as interesting legislative items and resolutions to consider and vote on this year. The Pillars of the Lodge will do their best at voting the way we think is best for our Lodge members and families.

I hope that you make a point to join us for the November stated meeting dinner. Lodge Brothers, this is the stated meeting that we will vote on the next year's officers that will carry the Lodge forward through 2020. We have continually built the lodge camaraderie up over the years to the point where we are recognized, not only in our district, but have received Kudos from the Grand Lodge as well. I know that our next Worshipful Master and his officers will continue this outstanding tradition.

Your Servant and Master,

Don Ruch (PM Worshipful Master & Past Master)

From the West

Greetings Brethren and Ladies,

November is here! Get ready for turkey, fall leaves, and colder weather! Hopefully we will also get a bit of rain. Congratulations to our newest Master Mason, Brother Mike Norton who was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in October. We will be having a Past Masters 3rd Degree in November for Brother Cole Dick so make sure you come watch this great degree! We also will be voting for the 2020 Officers this Stated Meeting so please come for the vote.

So where did Thanksgiving come from? We all know the story of the Pilgrims and Indians from our childhood, but who started the holiday? It was actually two Brothers, Brother Washington and Brother Roosevelt. In 1789, Brother George Washington declared November 26 to be set aside to be thankful for the nation's bounty and also to give thanks for the newly adopted Constitution. Brother Washington wanted people to "...unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications... beseeching God to pardon our national and other transgressions.” Thanksgiving was celebrated on and off until in 1939, Brother Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Thanksgiving a permanent official US holiday.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Ken Bychak (Senior Warden)

If you know of a Brother or Honored Lady in distress, please contact me so we can help those in need.

From the South


Summer has past and Fall is upon us. We will be celebrating his birth and toasting a New Year before you know it! This year has been an exciting and busy me for Santa Maria Lodge, with more to come as we move into the New Year. I look forward to the coming months as we continue to grow, through new membership and returning brothers. November’s stated dinner will be a Turkey Feast with all the trimmings. A great traditional dinner surrounded with of cheer and camaraderie.

By the Plumb,

Dave Murray (Junior Warden)

Secretary’s Corner

The hour has come! It is time to vote for our 2020 Line of Officers!! Please attend the November Stated Meeting to have your vote heard! If you have not come back to see the changes to the Lodge in our return to the “Old” Lodge building, I cannot think of a better meeting to attend. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST BE A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING TO VOTE! DUES CARDS WILL BE CHECKED BEFORE ENTERING THE LODGE ROOM!

Along with the vote for the new line of Officers, it is also time for Dues. I will be sending out the Dues Invoices in November, once the incoming Grand Master has had his budget approved and the new Per Capita total finalized. This is your time to not only catch up on last year dues but to get a jump on paying next years. If you are 2 or more years in arrears, you may be suspended for non-payment of dues as per the California Masonic Code, Section 809.370. Suspension for Non Payment of Dues. Neither the Master, I, nor any other Brother in Lodge wishes this to happen!

If you are financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the Master to discuss. If you have lost your envelope, you can mail your dues to: Santa Maria Lodge No. 580, PO Box 68, Ramona, CA 92065.

If you have paid and have not received your card, please call me at 951-970-4294 or send an email to and I will take care of it.

At the November Stated Meeting, it was announced once again that the Lodge plans to work toward a completely digital Trestleboard over the next several months. To facilitate this, we need to hear from you as to whether you would still like to receive a hard copy of the Trestleboard. Currently I have only heard from two Brothers that are not regular Lodge attendees. I KNOW that more of you have an opinion on this!

You can respond in several ways. Email me at, call the Lodge and leave a message at 1-760-787-9727 or send us a note via the mail at: Santa Maria Lodge #580, PO Box 68, Ramona, CA 92065.

Hope to see you in the Lodge!

Bill Graham, PM

Reminder!! The Lodge will be moving to a completely digital Trestleboard soon. If you would still like to receive a hard copy of the Trestleboard, please contact me